The Descent | Hollywood Forever


The Hedge School presents

The Descent

A live mytho ~ sensory Samhain experience 

Tuesday, October 31 | 7-9pm PT

Easter Star Room, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Los Angeles

A chairde / Dear friends,

You are warmly invited to descend with us for a unique Samhain experience at the legendary Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles. On October 31st, this immersive experience will evoke the spirit and mythos of Samhain through symbols, sound, scent and other sensory surprises. We will travel together on a wild Irish wonder voyage (mytho-sensory immram) and celebrate the power of rest as a radical act.

If you have friends or family around California feel free to share this with them, we would be delighted to honour this Samhain in circle together.

This special gathering will be guided by Kathy Scott (Cultural Activist of The Trailblazery, Ireland) with Anne Walsh (Singer, Sound Healer, Alchemizer). Together we will remember the ancestors, honour our descendants and claim our collective place in the world as ancestors-in-training.

Enjoy a sneak peak at the musical musings ofAnne Walshin the video below.

These high holy (hallowed) days around the portal of Samhain are an invitation into a deeper mythic relationship with the cycle of Creation - the womb tomb. This is a liminal time when the veils between this world and the Otherworld are thin. Life and death merge and the seen and unseen commune, opening a gateway to deep inner wisdom and guidance.

Bígí linn - join us.

Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement as we take The Hedge School to Hollywood.

Kathy and all at The Hedge School xo

Kat Scott