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Women have been gathering in circle and creating sacred space together since the dawn of time. This is our soul-place. The Moon or La Luna is a universal feminine symbol, representing the rhythm of time and embodying the cycles of life. Just as the Moon's twenty-eight day cycle influences the ebbs and flows of the ocean tides and crop growth, studies show that we too are influenced by the magnetic pull of the lunar forces.

Our Moon Medicine gatherings align with the lunar cycle. We gather in circle around every Full Moon and welcome inspiring guest luminaries to share her story, experience and wisdom with us. We also invite extraordinary musicians and performers to play at our gatherings. This is an opportunity to illuminate and celebrate our creative life force and sovereignty. Come as you are, all are welcome and no experience is necessary.


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Honour you cyclical nature by connecting with the cosmos, the earth, a great community of women, and your own innate feminine wisdom.


Whats involved

There is so much wisdom and wellbeing available when we track and attune to the cycles, seasons, rhythms and creative life force of nature around us and inside of us.

Every Moon Medicine gathering weaves a range of potent teachings that blend science and spirit including breath work, meditation, movement and nourishing self care practices. We draw from a deep well to find and share transformational tools and technologies that resource and uplift our community. We share some of the sacred rituals and secret practices that have supported women’s health and wellness throughout the ages. We blend this ancient wisdom with cutting edge developments in the fields of epigenetics, quantum physics and neuroscience.

We weave all of this together as a creative map of wellbeing and empowerment for women across the world today. Participate in person or online and experience a powerful transformation in your life inside and out


Attune and align with the cycles, seasons, rhythms, and creative life force of nature available around us.


How to join?

You can sign up to our Moon Medicine mailing list to receive news and updates about upcoming events,workshops and happenings. If you purchase a ticket here on our website you will receive a link in advance of the call. We meet online via Zoom, once a month, on or around the Full Moon at 7pm Irish Time for a 2+ hours live call. If you cannot attend the gathering live, the meeting will be recorded and sent out to you the following day with intel and after care resources to view in your own time.





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